Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Cara Mengubah partisi Hardisk dengan tipe dynamic menjadi tipe basic

Apakah yang dimaksud dengan partisi Hardisk dengan tipe dynamic dan basic ?
Secara pribadi, Partisi Hardisk dengan tipe Dynamic yaitu sebuah partisi hardisk yang nantinya sebuah pengguna komputer (brainware) apabila ingin menginstall sistem operasi windows dkk. lebih dari satu operating system maka ketika kita ingin mengintall ke partisi yang sudah kita buat tidak akan bisa terinstall. Karena terdapat lebih dari satu partisi hardisk dengan tipe dynamic. Sedangkan Partisi Hardisk dengan tipe Basic yaitu apabila pengguna komputer (brainware) ingin menginstall komputer lebih dari satu operating sistem maka akan terinstall dengan mudah pada semua partisi yang telah kita buat.
Atas dasar dari penjelasan diatas, ada kalanya partisi hardisk kita tidak bisa kita buat partisi dengan tipe basic, maka dari itu terdapat sebuah aplikasi yang fungsinya sebagai converter partisi hardisk dengan tipe dynamic menjadi tipe basic. ini aplikasinya Converter Partition Disk.

Caranya :
  1. Download aplikasinya yang sudah saya sediakan linknya diatas
  2. Apabila sudah terdownload, langkah selanjutnya yaitu install file aplikasinya.

Selamat Mencoba, kemdian pilih yang mana yang mau diconvert.

Cara menghilangkan windows not genuine pada layar komputer

Bingung dengan layar komputer Anda menjadi blank hitam saat komputer dinyalakan dan terdapat pesan yang menyatakan bahwa "windows not genuine" ? Santai saja soalnya terdapat cara yang membuat anda dengan mudah menormalkan kembali masalah tersebut dengan sebuah aplikasi yang sederhana. Nama salah satu aplikasinya yaitu Windows Loader

Caranya :
  1. install dulu apklikasinya yang sudah di download
  2. kemudian kemudian jalankan aplikasinya dengan memilih menu install
  3. tunggu sampai restart otomatis atau restart sendiri secara manual 

selamat mencoba !!!

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Lowongan Kerja (Job Vacancy) 1

INDONESIA POWER (gratiis ! )

Kami salah satu Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang ketenagalistrikan nasional di Indonesia membutuhkan tenaga kerja lulusan Sekolah Menegah Kejuruan bidang teknik Mesin, Listrik, Elektronika, Kimia dan Sipil yang berdedikasi untuk mengisi posisi sebagai Teknisi Pemeliharaan, Operator Pembangkit, dan Bidang Teknik lainnya
dengan kualifikasi dan persyaratan sebagai berikut :

1. Laki-laki dan belum menikah.
2. Berusia maksimal 21 tahun (1 Oktober 2012)
3. Pendidikan SMK (diutamakan SMK 4 th/ D1) ; jurusan Mesin, Listrik, Elektronika, Kimia dan Sipil yang terkait   denganpemeliharaan dan pengoperasian pembangkitan tenaga Listrik.
4. Nilai Ijazah SMK rata-rata 7,5:
- Nilai Matematika minimal 7,5
- Nilai mata pelajaran kejuruan 7,5
- Nilai Bahasa Inggris 7
5. Nilai IPK D1 minimal 2.75
6. Tidak sedang menjalani ikatan Dinas dengan perusahaan/Institusi lain
7. Sehat jasmani dan Rohani : tidak buta warna, bebas narkoba, berkelakuan baik dan tidak memakai zat terlarang
8. Bersedia ditempatkan di lingkungan kerja Perusahaan di seluruh Indonesia & tidak akan menuntut pindah tugas
9. Bersedia mengikuti Diklat Prajabatan yang ditetapkan perusahaan
10. Bersedia menjalani Ikatan Kerja selama 5 (lima) tahun sejak mengikuti Diklat Prajabatan
11. Belum Menikah dan bersedia tidak Menikah selama menjalani Diklat Prajabatan

1. Pengajuan lamaran melalui Website
2. Mengisi formulir lamaran dengan melampirkan :
a. Fotocopy Ijazah / Sertifikat keahlian jika ada / Surat Keterangan Lulus yang dilegalisir
b. Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran / Surat Kenal Lahir
c. Fotocopy KTP yang masih berlaku
d. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
e. Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4x6cm
f. Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat dari Dokter Umum serta Surat Keterangan Tidak Buta Warna
g. Surat keterangan kelakuan baik yang dikeluarkan oleh Kepolisian.
3. Apabila terdapat perbedaan data antara Soft Copy (Online) dan Hard Copy (berkas lamaran)/Berkas Asli pada saat Verifikasi Dokumen maka pelamar dinyatakan GUGUR dan TIDAK DAPAT melanjutkan ke tahapan seleksi berikutnya.
4. Keputusan pemanggilan pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan untuk mengikuti tahapan seleksi berikutnya merupakan kewenangan PT Indonesia Power dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
5. Panitia rekrutmen tidak menerima dan melakukan korespondensi dalam pelaksanaan
seleksi rekrutmen dengan pihak pelamar.Periode Registrasi Online tanggal 01 - 14 Oktober 2012
Hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan diundang Info lebih lanjut klik : http://

Pelamar tidak dipungut biaya dalam proses rekrutmen calon pegawai

Lowongan Kerja (Job Vacancy) 2

Lowonga Kerja di PT. ADIYASA ABADI

a.Welding Operator
b.Welding Quality
c.Mechanical Construction
d.Making Equipment
e.Support Techniciant
f.Assembly Part
Syarat :
Pendidikan: SMU,Diploma,Engineering
(Industrial/Mechanical/Metal Fabrication/
Tool dan Die/Welding).
Keahlian: Welding,Inspector,AutoCad
Pengalaman 2 tahun
Kirim lamaran ke alamat :

JL. Raya Setu Serang RT.001/02 No.35
Telajung -Setu , Cikarang Barat - Bekasi
Telp. 021-83303652 , Contact Person : 0812
8341 837

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Belt Conveyor

Fungsi : Untuk mengangkut material yang masih berupa granol atau bongkahan dengan media belt yang berjalan,

Bagian-bagian dari Belt Conveyor :

  1. Feed chute, berfungsi untuk mengarahkan material yang diangkut ke transport selanjutnya.
  2. Carring idler, berfungsi untuk membawa material yang diangkut.
  3. Head pulley, berfungsi untuk sebagai penggerak atau penarik pada belt.
  4. Tail pulley, berfungsi untuk meringankan tarikan dari head pulley.
  5. Gravity take up, berfungsi sebagai penstabil atau menjaga kekencangan belt.
  6. Bend pulley, berfungsi untuk penjaga kekencangan belt sebelum gravity take up.
  7. return idler, penyangga atau support belt yang kembali menuju ke transport semula.
BC shuttle yaitu belt conveyor yang bisa berputar forward dan reverse.

Safety BC :
  • Belt trip
  • safety line switch
  • safe alignment
  • motion sensor
  • speed sensor

meski sedikit, supaya kita selalu ingat....

thanks !!!!

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Contoh Slide Presentasi Menarik

Nic Contoh klo saya perlihatin gambar slide-nya, kalo masih penasaran link download ada dibawah....

Ini  Link File-nya klo mau didownload atau penasaran dengan animasinya:

The Degree Of Comparison

1.    Positive Degree
2.    Comparative Degree
3.    Superlative Degree

as long as
as handsome as
as famous as
more famous
most famous
as good as
Explanation :
Ø  For number 1         one syllable must add with er or est
Ø  For number 2         two or more syllable but end of the word is     "  some - ow  -  le  - r  -  y   " must add with er  or est.
Ø  For number 3         two or more syllable must add more or most.
Ø  For number 4         Irregular degree of comparison

Formula :
·           Positive Degree
(+) S + V +O, as adjective / adverb as + …..
·           Comparative Degree
(+) S + to be + more (optional) + adjective / adverb + er (optional) + than +…..
·           Superlative Degree
(+) S + to be + the + most (optional) + adjective / adverb+ est (optional)

Question :
1.    Fajar is tall than I am. (taller)
Because tall is once articulation
2.    Bustanulqoyim is the clever student in his class. (the cleverest)
Because there is word “the” and then followed by clever so must add “est” after clever
3.    I’ll do everything for you, long you stay with me forever. (as long as)
Because positive degree form
4.    Hillary felt bad about the unkind remark than about anything else. (worse)
Because bad is one of word in the irregular degree, bad become worse
5.    Suddenly the patient became ill than before. (worse)
Because bad is one of word in the irregular degree, ill become worse
6.    This week’s winner won the much money ever in a sweepstakes. (most)
Because bad is one of word in the irregular degree, much become most
7.    Flatnose is beautiful student in her class. (the most beautiful)
Because superlative degree form and three times articulation
8.     He talks seriously than before. (more seriously)
Because comparative degree form and three times articulation
9.    The coffee powder is little than three spoons. (less)
Because bad is one of word in the irregular degree, little become less
10.   Tenth question is recent from all question which I write. (most recent)
      Because superlative degree form and twice articulation

Senin, 30 April 2012

Pin Joints

Pin joints
Pin joints are among the detachable joints. There are dowel pins, fixing pins and shear pins.
Dowel pins need not transmit any forces, but only locate two workpieces relative to one another. They make assembly easier.
Retaining or fixing pins are used to transmit small amounts of force, in place of screws.
Shear pins protect easily damaged parts against overloading. They transmit the full driving force. It the force becomes excessive, however, the pin shears off and separates the two halves of the joint. Alter the fault has been eliminated, a new shear pin has to be fitted.

Types of pin
Grooved pins (Fare cheap and easy to fit. They have three rolled grooves along the surface. When hammered in, the ridges are partly forced back into the grooves to provide a firm seat in non- reamed holes. Grooved pins are used as locating and locking pins.
Split sleeves are split hollow cylinders of spring steel, with a diameter 0.2 to 0.5 mm greater than the drilled hole into which they are inserted. The hole need not be reamed, since the force
exerted by the compressed sleeve provides the desired pressure.
Straight pins are usually supplied with either tapered or spherical ends. Hardened straight pins are used as dowels. The hole for the pin must first be reamed.
Taper pins have a 1 :50 taper. They are therefore easier to insert than straight (cylindrical) pins. The hole is reamed with a taper reamer until the pin can be pressed in by hand with its head 3 to
4 mm above the rim of the hole. The pin is then driven in to its correct depth. A threaded journal or internal thread enables the pins to be pulled out of the joint again if there is no provision for driving them out from the opposite side.
10.3 Keys and splines
Keys and splines are used to connect shafts and hubs together. They prevent the hub from rotating on the shaft. They can also prevent the shaft from sliding axially.
Feather keys have a taper (inclination usually 1 ; 100). The taper generates the pressure which creates a firm joint between the parts to be connected. There are driven taper keys and sunk keys. In a driven joint, the key is forced in between the shaft and the hub. ln a sunk joint, the key is first inserted into the slotin the shaft, and the hub assembly is then driven on to the shaft over the
key. The flat key and the saddle key can only transmit fairly small forces. This kind of joint is seldom used in automobile engineering.
Plain keys have no taper. They create a pure driving joint only, with the force transmitted by the site faces of the key. The keys have an interference fit in the slot in the shaft.
Parallel keys usually have a close fit in the slot in the hub. The hub has to be prevented from sliting laterally. The sliding key permits the hub to slide laterally, for example then shift gears in a gearbox. The Woodruff key is mainly used at the ends of taper shafts. In the case of splined shafts, shaft
and keys are integral. This joint is used on highly stressed transmission components. The serrated joint is similar to the splined shaft.
Shear pins protect easily damaged parts against overloading. They transmit the full driving force. It the force becomes excessive, however, the pin shears off and separates the two halves of the joint. Alter
the fault has been eliminated, a new shear pin has to be fitted.
Types of pin
Grooved pins  are cheap and easy to fit. They have three rolled grooves along the surface. When hammered in, the ridges are partly forced back into the grooves to provide a firm seat in non reamed holes. Grooved pins are used as locating and locking pins. Split sleeves are split hollow cylinders of spring steel, with a diameter 0.2 to 0.5 mm greater than the drilled hole into which
they are inserted. The hole need not be reamed, since the force exerted by the compressed sleeve provides the desired pressure.
Straight pins are usually supplied with either tapered or spherical ends. Hardened straight pins are used as dowels. The hole for the pin must first be reamed.
Taper pins have a 1 :50 taper. They are therefore easier to insert than straight (cylindrical) pins. The hole is reamed with a taper reamer until the pin can be pressed in by hand with its head 3 to
4 mm above the rim of the hole. The pin is then driven in to its correct depth. A threaded journal or internal thread enables the pins to be pulled out of the joint again if there is no provision for driving them out from the opposite side.
10.3 Keys and splines
Keys and splines are used to connect shafts and hubs together. They prevent the hub from rotating on the shaft. They can also prevent the shaft from sliding axially.
Feather keys have a taper (inclination usually 1 ; 100). The taper generates the pressure which creates a firm joint between the parts to be connected. There are driven taper keys and sunk keys. In a driven joint, the key is forced in between the shaft and the hub. ln a sunk joint, the key is first inserted into the slot in the shaft, and the hub assembly is then driven on to the shaft over the key. The flat key and the saddle key can only transmit fairly small forces. This kind of joint is seldom used in automobile engineering.
Plain keys have no taper. They create a pure driving joint only, with the force transmitted by the site faces of the key. The keys have an interference fit in the slot in the shaft.
Parallel keys usually have a close fit in the slot in the hub. The hub has to be prevented from sliting laterally. The sliding key permits the hub to slide laterally, for example the shift gears in a gearbox. The Woodruff key is mainly used at the ends of taper shafts. In the case of splined shafts, shaft and keys are integral. This joint is used on highly stressed transmission components. The serrated joint (Figure 10.31) is similar to the splined shaft.

10.4 Interference-fit joints
The parts to be connected are manufactured oversize, so that pressure is built up at the joint when the parts are assembled. Interference-fit joints can transmit longitudinal and transverse forces. They are easy and cheap to produce. but can only be separated with difficulty. Depending on the method of making the interference-fit joint, we distinguish between the following types:
Longitudinal press tits. The two parts are pressed together in an axial direction when cold.
Transverse shrink fit. The outer part is heated uniformly and placed over the inner part. After cooling, a shrink lit is obtained,
Transverse press fit by expansion. The inner part is cooled down unllormly and then placed inside the outer part. Alter regaining normal temperature, an expansion joint is obtained.

Rabu, 25 April 2012

Joining Techniques

Joining techniques
The principal distinction is between detachable and non detachable joints. A joint is regarded as detachable if the parts can be taken apart without destroying the connecting elements: for example, screw joints, pin joints, key joints and press-fit joints. A joint is non detachable, on the other hand, it it can only be separated by destroying the connecting elements, for example glued joints, riveted joints, soldered joints or welded joints.

1. Screw joints
Screws are mechanical elements with a wide range of uses. They are distinguished mainly by the shape ofthe screw head and the material from which they are produced.
10.1.1 Screws and nuts
Hexagonal head screws and bolts are used with nuts in through holes and without nuts in threaded holes, in which an internal thread is cut in the actual workpiece.
Studs are used if the joint is to be separated frequently, The shorter threaded end of the stud is screwed into the workpiece and tightened with a stud setter. When the threaded joint is taken apart, the stud remains in the workpiece.
Hexagon socket head screws  save space as a consequence of their cylindrical heads, which can also be countersunk. There is a special pattern of hexagon socket head screws with internal serrations. Hexagon socket head screws are suitable for screwed joints which cannot, because of their position, be tightened with an ordinary open ended wrench or ring spanner.
Body-fit bolts are used if relative movement between the workpleces must be prevented, and shear forces are high. Their shank diameter is slightly greater than the thread diameter. Anti fatigue bolts are used in screwed joints subject to continuous alternating loads, for example connecting rod big ends. lf standard bolts are subjected to continuous alternating loads in this way, they break as a result of fatigue after a period of operation, even if they are nominally of sufficient strength. In such cases, anti-fatigue bolts (neck bolts) have a much longer working life, Their shank diameter is only about 90% ofthe minor diameter of the screw thread except at the points where they contact the hole. The anti fatigue bolt is tightened with a torque wrench to the value specified by the manufacturer. This preloads it with a tensile force significantly greater than that which acts on it externally during operation. The anti-fatigue bolt can be stressed in the elastic range during operation until close to its elastic limit. Anti-fatigue bolts tightened to the specified torque retain their preload and need no additional locking devices. Their threads and those of the corresponding nuts must turn freely during assembly of the joint.
Slotted head screws and cross-recessed (Phillips head) screws can have various head patterns: half round (domed head), cheesehead, countersunk, raised cheesehead or raised countersunk.
Grub screws are screws without a head, threaded for their entire length. Depending on the application they can have various ends: coned point, full dog point, cupped point. Grub screws (setscrews) are used for the clamping or locking of hubs. bushes or bearings.
Wood screws are available with slotted, square or hexagonal heads. They are used for joints between wooden parts.
Sheet metal screws (self-tapping screws) are used to make joints with sheet metal. Their threads are similar to wood screws. As they are tightened, they cut their own thread in the sheet metal. The hole in the sheet should have the same diameter as the core of the screw. Clamp nuts (sheet metal nuts) are also frequently used. The joints are vibration resistant and can be separated any number of times. Sheet metal screws are available with slotted, cross recessed or hexagonal heads.
Self-tapping screws are surface-hardened screws. They cut their own threads as they are inseited into the core hole. They are tapered to make them easier to start. Since considerable force is required to tighten them, self tapping screws are produced only in sizes M 2.5 to M 8. They are suitable for all materials up to a tensile strength of 600 N/mm?. They should be dipped in oil before screwing in. When tightening, pressure must be applied along the axis of the screw.
Thread inserts and thread bushes are used if the thread is to be cut in a soft material, if the screwed joint has to be detached often or il the thread already cut in the workpiece has been
damaged. Thread inserts consist ot a rhomboid-form chrome nickel steel wire formed into a coil to produce an inner and an outer thread. A screw thread is cut in the core hole with a special tap. An assembly tool is used to insert and preload the thread insert. Thread bushings cut their own threads when inserted.
Nuts are also manufactured in various forms. Hexagonal nuts have a thickness otabout0.8 x d, or about0.5 x d in the case of special thin nuts.
Castle (castellated) nuts with 6 or 10 slots are used if a split pin is to be inserted as a keeper.
Cap nuts cover the screwed joint from the outside to protect the thread against damage, avoid injury and achieve a smarter appearance.
Union nuts are used for pipe joints.
Wingnuts and knurled nuts can be tightened by hand, without tools.
Slotted round and capstan nuts with metric fine pitch thread are mostly used to lock ball and roller bearings on to shafts and to adjust endplay.
Weld nuts are used in coach building. The weld nut is spot welded electrically to the component at three raised areas. A ring shaped collar centres the nut in the hole.

Property classes for screws and nuts
Steel screws are marked with the manufacturer’s symbol and the strength rating. This consists of two numerals separated by a point. The first number is one-hundredth of the minimum tensile strength in N/mm2, in our example a minimum tensile strength of 1 200 N/mm2. The second number is ten times the apparent yield point ratio (minimum apparent yield point in relation tominimum tensile strength). The product of the two numbers, e.g. 12 ><9 = 108, corresponds to 0ne tenth of the minimum elastic limit ol 1080 N/mm?.

Steel nuts are marked with the manufacturers symbol and a numeral which is one-tenth of the proof stress in N/mm2, for example 10 means that the nut can be loaded to a proof stress of 1000 N/mm2, The proof stress of the nut corresponds to the minimum tensile strength of the
corresponding screw. lf these screws are loaded up to the minimum ultimate load, then a nut must be chosen with a proof stress value at least as high as the minimum tensile strength of the screw,
10.1.2 Screw locking devices
The threads of screws used for clamping purposes are self-locking, but vibration can cause the nut or the screw to work loose, Locking devices are intended to prevent this.
Spring washers and toothed or serrated lock washers apply a load to the nut and also bite into its surface and that of the workpiece.
Convex or corrugated spring washers are also used. In the case of double nuts (locknuts, counter-nuts or check nuts), the top nut elongates the end of the screw or bolt within the elastic range as it is tightened down against the lower nut, This presses the two nuts together and prevents them from coming loose.
Spring action locknuts are hexagon nuts stamped from sheet metal. They are tightened against the main nut like a normal counter nut. As pressure builds up, their spring teeth press against the flanks of the bolt thread and prevent the main nut from loosening.
Lock washers are made from thin steel sheet. lt a wire keeper is specified, a soft steel wire is inserted through holes in the screw head and twisted to tighten it. The wire must be attached in such a way that it is stressed in tension if a screw tends to work loose.
Castle nuts can be locked very reliably by means of split pins, However, the range oi adjustment is limited by the number of slots on the nut.
Elastic stop nuts (self-locking nuts) have a firmly located polyamide ring at the end of the thread, which is pressed into the bolt threads when the nut is screwed on, and prevents the screwed joint from working loose. The friction exerted by the polyamide ring means that greater tightening torque is required. These nuts must be used only once.
Washers improve the nut contact surface and reduce the danger of the nut seizing when tightening or loosening. inclined or spherical washers can be used to compensate for contact faces which are not parallel.
10.1.3 Screw tightening tools
Screwdrivers with a plain blade are used for slotted head screws. To prevent damage to the screw head, the screwdriver blade must be of the correct width and thickness. It must be flat and not ground to a wedge shape. For the various types of cross recesses screws there are special patterns of screwdriver.
The leverage exerted by a spanner or wrench should be sufficient to obtain an adequately firm screwed joint after tightening, with no risk of overstressing or stripping the thread. This can occur if the spanner is extended by attaching a length of tube to its handle, in which case the thread may well be damaged beyond repair.
Spanners should always be an exact fit on the bolt head or nut. lf the spanner is too large, the bolt head or nut will be damaged and will tend to become round. so that even the correct size of spanner no longer fits; furthermore, a slipping spanner could cause an accident.
Torque wrenches indicate the amount of torque being exerted on a suitably calibrated scale. If the values specified by the automobile manufacturer, for instance, are adhered to, all threaded connections on the vehicle will be tightened correctly.
Screws and nuts should not be tightened with too much force or they may be damaged; if they are too loose, on the other hand, they could fail to grip and work loose.
Most torque wrenches can be set to a definite value. lf this is exceeded, the wrench slips and therefore cannot overtighten the joint. There are many plug-in heads and inserts for torque wrenches, particularly for tightening various sizes of hex bolts and nuts.

Selasa, 24 April 2012

Tuban punya teknologi pengolahan air, bener gak ya ?

Tuban punya teknologi pengolahan air, bener gak ya ?
Tuban merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang terdapat di propinsi jawa timur, Luas wilayah Kabupaten Tuban 183.994.561 Ha, dan wilayah laut seluas 22.068 km2. Letak astronomi Kabupaten Tuban pada koordinat 111o 30' - 112o 35 BT dan 6o 40' - 7o 18' LS. Panjang wilayah pantai 65 km. Ketinggian daratan di Kabupaten Tuban bekisar antara 0 - 500 mdpl. Sebagian besar wilayah Kabupaten Tuban beriklim kering dengan kondisi bervariasi dari agak kering sampai sangat kering yang berada di 19 kecamatan, sedangkan yang beriklim agak basah berada pada 1 kecamatan.
Cita-cita masyarakat tuban salah satunya adalah bisa memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari tanpa ada hambatan. Akankah cita-cita tersebut tercapai apabila masyarakatnya saja kesulitan untuk mendapatkan air bersih. Oleh karena itu, terdapat beberapa kecamatan di tuban yang kesulitan mendapatkan air bersih saat musim kemarau melanda.
Kita ambil contoh :
1.      Kecamatan Semanding
2.      Kecamatan Grabagan
3.      Kecamatan Bangilan
4.      Kecamatan Kenduruhan
Daerah-daerah diatas merupakan daerah yang rawan kesulitan mendapatkan air bersih apabila musim kemarau melanda di wilayah kabupaten tuban.
Beberapa tindakan yang harus dilakukan adalah melakukan pengembangan teknologi yang bergerak dalam penyediaan air bersih.
Ø Daerah yang mempunyai letak geografis dekat dengan laut, kita bisa melakukan tindakan dengan cara mengolah air laut menjadi air tawar atau air jernih yang layak minum.
Teknologi yang perlu kita kembangkan :
·      Pengolahan air laut  menjadi air bersih
Metode Reverse Osmosis merupakan suatu sistem pengolahan air dari yang mempunyai konsentrasi tinggi menjadi air tawar yang mempunyai konsentrasi agak rendah (encer) dikarenakan adanya tekanan osmosis. Penerapan sistem ini lebih efisien dan dapat diandalkan karena air melewati membrane semi permiabel yang kerapatannya 0,0001 mikron. Tahapan-tahapanya : Filtrasi menggunakan filter gerabah – filter karbon aktif menggunakan kayu bakau (membrane alami) untuk menyaring air.
Ø Daerah yang mempunyai letak geografis dekat dengan sungai, kita bisa melakukan tindakan dengan cara mengolah air sungai yang kotor dan keruh menjadi air untuk keperluan domestik  seperti MCK.
Teknologi yang perlu kita kembangkan :
·           Pengolahan air sungai menjadi air bersih :
·         Metode pengolahan air melalui serbuk biji kelor
Serbuk kelor kita  masukkan ke dalam air sungai, dengan takaran 3-5 gram serbuk kelor untuk 1 liter air sungai. Kemudian aduk selama 10-15 menit lalu partikel-partikel kotoran di air akan mengendap dengan endapan sebuk kelor. Setelah itu terciptalah air jernih dan bisa diminum. Untuk menghilangkan bau kelor yang timbul maka pada saat pengadukan kita tambahkan bungkusan arang yang sedemikian rupa.
·         Metode pengolahan air PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk
1.      Air sungai kita pompa dengan water pump
2.      Kita endapkan pada kolam namanya “sand basin”
3.      Kita hisap air menuju kolam penampungan air melalui water pump, atau bahasa plant-nya adalah Reservoir.
4.      Setelah itu, air kita alirkan ke wadah tempat penambahan tawas, untuk menjernihkan air. Takaran tawas yaitu 25 kg untuk 4000 liter air sungai.
5.      Selanjutnya masuk kedalam water tank, didalamnya terdapat proses pengadukan air dengan baling-baling atau agigator
6.      Setelah itu masuk kedalam media filter. Media filternya apa saja sich ?
Terdapat pasir, ijuk, serabut-serabutan, kerikil dan karang. Keluaran dari media filter air sudah dalam kondisi bersih tapi dimungkinkan terdapat kuman.
7.      Proses selanjutnya air masuk lagi ke dalam kolam penampungan air atau reservoir dan ditambahkan kaporit untuk membunuh kuman yang masih terkandung dalam air. Takaran kaporit yaitu 20 cangkir kaporit untuk 4000 liter air.
8.      Kemudian air yang telah diberi kaporit siap ditampung ke dalam water tank dan distribusikan untuk keperluan air domestic plant seperti MCK.

Cita-cita yang diimpikan masyarakat tuban tidak mustahil akan terwujud apabila pemerintah setempat mau atau terdorong untuk mencoba teknologi baru pengolahan air yang ada di Tuban melalui beberapa ide yang telah di urai secara garis besarnya saja diatas. Pertimbangan yang matang adalah modal utama untuk terjadinya perubahan.

Rabu, 18 April 2012


To produce castings, liquid (molten) metal is poured into moulds. After the metal has solidified, a replica of the workpiece based on the mould pattern is obtained. The work is carried out in the foundry. The mould is produced in the moulding shop. The mould-maker uses a pattern made from the workpiece lor this purpose. The casting is fettled (cleaned up and projecting flash or moulding sand removed) in the
casting cleaning shop.

Patterns are made from wood, metal or plastics. For the larger patterns, air dried, dense and knot-free softwood is used; for smaller, more complex patterns hardwood is preferred. Metal patterns, made from cast iron, steel, brass or light metal, are of course more expensive, but have a longer life.

ln pattern making, allowance has to be made for the fact that casting metals contract or shrink on cooling. The pattern is therefore larger than the casting by the amount lost in shrinkage. At points to be machined later, the pattern-maker must add 0.5 to 10 mm. To avoid damaging the mould when taking out the pattern, this is tapered to make it 2% to 5% smaller internally and permit easy withdrawal. The finished wooden pattern is painted with pattern-maker’s lacquer.This gives it a smooth surface and protects it against moisture. The colours for painting are standardised. Patterns for cast iron are painted red, those for cast steel blue and for light metals green; core marks are shown ln black and faces to be machined in yellow.

We distinguish between sand casting and chill casting. The sand mould can be used only once. and is destroyed when removing the casting. For chill casting, the permanent steel or cast iron mould can be used repeatedly. Castings produced in this way have a clean surface and an accurate form. Fast cooling in the steel mould makes the surface particularly hard and wear-resistant. In order to obtain a hollow casting, acore must be placed in the mould. This is produced in a two-pan or more complex die (core box).

Flask moulding.
Flask moulds are normally rectangular cast iron frames with handles. They have pins and lugs so that the relative positions of the top and bottom flasks are accurately located on assembly. The sand mould is built up by the moulder, usually with the aid of a multi section pattern. He places one half of the pattern on the pattern board (Figure 9.30), positions the empty, frame shaped bottom flask moulds on it and fills it with sand. The sand is tamped firmly down, and the mould reinforced by inserting wires and pins. The bottom flask is then rotated, the second half of the pattern placed on the first half and the top flask aligned correctly. After the sprue and risers have been inserted, sand is lamped in and the top flask is lifted. The pattern is removed with great care and a core is inserted if needed. When the top and bottom flasks are re assembled, a cavity corresponding to the shape of the workpiece is produced.
Moulding machines are used only for mass production, to simplify the physically onerous work of the moulder and to save time.

Melting and casting
The metals are melted in suitable furnaces, and their quality modified or improved as necessary. The cupola furnace, also referred to as the shaft furnace, is mainly used in the iron foundry. It consists of a shaft 6 to 9 m high and about 1.5m in diameter. The molten metal is collected in the forehearth, run off into ladies, brought to the mould and poured into it. Casting stops when the riser is full. After having cooled sufficiently, the mould is destroyed and the casting taken out and cleaned.
In the casting cleaning shop the runner, the risers and the casting seams are removed by knocking off with hammers and chisels, sawn off or ground away. On steel castings, oxy-acetylene flame cutting
may even be used. The core is then driven out, and the surface of the casting cleaned with steel wire brushes, or by sand blasting, waterjet, emery wheel etc.

Casting processes
Pressure die casting. Non-ferrous heavy and light metal alloys are often mass-produced by the pressure die casting process. ln this casting process, the molten material is forced at high pressure into a
steel mould. Even the smallest cavities of the precision-machined steel moulds are filled densely and effectively. The accuracy andsurface quality are so high that the term "finish casting" is often applied to these items. Only the sprue and casting seams need to be removed. Casting pressure is between 20 and 3000 bar. A distinction is made between the cold-chamber and hot chamber processes.